Discovery formula (upper part of the canyon)
This is the ideal type of route to discover canyon descent in aquatic hiking mode, with small games of sliding and swimming at the start, then slides and optional 2m jumps. at 5m. and more for the resourceful. The rest is always in the same easy spirit, we walk in a zone of blocks with our feet in the water, with above us the grandiose cliffs which overhang these gorges. - Age : from 7/8 years old (knowing how to swim imperatively) - Level : beginner
“Integral” formula (upper and lower part of the canyon)
In this formula, there is always the discovery character of aquatic hiking, with the program, more walking and swimming parts, jumps and slides always optional. We take the time to observe a generous nature, the large cliffs with these hanging gardens, the aquatic environment is these mysteries! - Age : from 12 years old athletic child (know how to swim) - Level : beginner
Formula “day in the water”, the Banquet of Kings!
This formula is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of the Gorges du Banquet, for a day trip. We do the entire canyon and we take the time to take a long break to take the picnic out of the waterproof cans and share this moment together. - Age : from 12 years old athletic child (know how to swim) - Level : beginner